1 persons born in Hundborg, Thisted County

Sjørring (1)

Parish City/place Name Born Ref.#

Hundborg District

Sjørring Sogn Sjørring, Thy Erling Frost 08. jun. 1951 IV.M.1.b.
HugoChristian KrogsgaardOldest siblings in Denmark.
At the back: Aksel, Martinus, Johannes, Thorvald og Otto Pedersen Balle.
In the front: Pauline, Katrine, Peder, Olga og Niels Pedersen BalleWilliam JensenFrida Kathrine Nielsen, B: LaustenPreben Ahrenholt NielsenFlemming Louis Nielsen
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Hillerslev District (5)
Hundborg District (1)
Morsø Sønder District (14)